Saturday, September 16, 2006

The origin of the profound?

I am very aware that i have a calling, though i find it hugely difficult to articulate.
I am most aware of it when i feel a powerful sense of progress towards this calling.
When i am standing still i cannot see it.
When i am doing something towards it, it becomes all the more clear.
The greatest moments of my life have always been the experience of travelling with great momentum towards this increasingly visble transcendental purpose.

Moments where this occured with power include:
  • Having breakthrough thoughts that influenced the direction of my PhD
  • Reading superb books full of intelligence and wisdom
  • DJing, and generally listening to amazing music
  • Hearing stories of people who have gone down the same road i myself am going down, only they have gone a bit further (e.g. books, films, preachers, musicians)
  • Expressing genuine love to another